realisticus artacademy
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Realisticus Art Stationery

For students booking into Realisticus Art Classes running during school terms.

Our experts have tested the quality of a range of art materials, to put together high quality affordable Art Packs that last and that are suitable for Techniques that we will be learning in class. At our classes we do not use any low quality cheap materials, as they produce low quality results, damaged artwork and unhappy kids.
Delivering high quality education and the best results for your children are most important to us.
1) New Student Art Stationery Pack:
  • This New Student Art Stationery Pack includes all specialty art materials at a Special School Price exclusively offered to Realisticus Art Academy students.
  • Each pack includes 7 items: one High-quality A3 Art Paper Pack of 50 Pages (appropriate for Drawing & Watercolour), one large set of Watercolour Pencils, two HB Pencils, two Erasers, and one Art Carrying Case OR Mesh Wallet.
  • We have two delivery options: get the order delivered to your home or order to collect it at either Albany or New Market Gordon Harris Store.
  • Special Realisticus Price with A3 Art Carrying Case $89.99 (Full Retail value $115.00) Click Here to Order
  • Special Realisticus Price with A3 Mesh Wallet $65.99 (Full Retail value $85.00) Click Here to Order
2) Top Up Art Paper Pack:
  • This Top-up pack is for current & returning students who still have their watercolour pencils, but who have ran out of correct paper.
  • Each pack Includes 5 items: one High-quality A3 Art Paper Pack of 50 Pages (appropriate for Drawing & Watercolour), two Pencils, and two Erasers.
  • Special Realisticus Price $31.99 (Full Retail value $43.09) Click Here to Order
3) Top Up Watercolour Pencils Pack:
  • This Top-up pack is for current & returning students who still have their paper/pad, but who have ran out of correct colour pencils.
  • Each pack Includes 3 items: one large set of Watercolour Pencils, two sizes of quality watercolour brushes.
  • Special Realisticus Price $32.99 (Full Retail value $42.99) Click Here to Order
4) Watercolour Paint Set and Two Brushes:
  • Required for Online classes Only: Watercolour Paint Set with two quality synthetic round watercolour brushes - size 6 and size 4 .
  • Special Realisticus Price $25.80 (Full Retail value $32.99) Click Here to Order
Please LABEL all items with your child's name before classes start to ensure another child doesn't accidentally take your child's stuff home.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Most of these materials will last for about 2 years, when you run out of paper or watercolour pencils you can get one of the Realisticus Art Academy Student Top Up packs. Other art materials will be provided by the Tutor.

Yes. We encourage our students to use these materials at home too and for their school projects, so they can practice their new skills.

We strongly recommend for all our students to get individual Art Packs, as every child has his/her own unique personality and will want to build their own Art Portfolio. In each New Student Art Pack there are 7 items, including an Art Case to keep student's artwork together as well as a large Watercolour Pencils pack that provides a full range of colours. But if affordability is an issue, two siblings can share one New Student Art pack + one Watercolour Pencils Top Up pack if required.

Numerous times we have seen children crying when cheap quality paper got ruined during class time. Even something as simple as cheap eraser can ruin a beautiful drawing. To stop this from happening we have got expert advice on a range of art materials, tested and selected the highest quality, but most affordable art materials that will last. If you still choose to use any of the low quality materials it will be at your own risk.